Music, Art, Community

  • Music


    May 18: Lighten Up Trio

    May 25: Michelle Marrocco

    June 1: Michelle Marrocco

    June 8: Cosby Gibson & Tom Staudle

    June 15: Jared Polens

    June 22: Eli Elkus

    June 29: Lighten Up Trio

    July 6: Mike Pytko

    July 13: Jared Polens

    July 20: Flying Solo

    July 27: Lighten Up Trio

    August 3: Eli Elkus

    August 10: Michelle Marrocco

    August 17: Cosby Gibson & Tom Staudle

    August 24: Jared Polens

    August 31: Lighten Up Trio

    September 7: Michelle Marrocco

    September 14: Mike Pytko

    September 21: Flying Solo

    September 28: Lighten Up Trio

    October 5: Flying Solo

    October 12: Mike Pytko

    October 19: Lighten Up Trio

  • Artisans

    May 18:
    Sun & Sun, Ltd.

    May 25:
    Artisans of Thornliebank | Carved Wood Utensils
    Vegvisir Leather & Goods

    June 1:
    Gloomnbloom | Block printed illustrations, stationery, textile
    Vegvisir Leather and Goods

    June 8:
    Artisans of Thornliebank | Carved Wood Utensils

    June 15:
    MP Rustic Decor
    Luna Sol | Crochet, Paintings, Stickers

    June 22:
    Artisans of Thornliebank | Carved Wood Utensils
    Luna Sol | Crochet, Paintings, Stickers

    June 29:
    Funky Sharky
    Sacred Funk | Tie-dyed Art & Apparel

    July 6:
    Fabric & Flower Fancies
    Vegvisir Leather and Goods

    July 13:
    Sun & Sun, Ltd.
    Fabric & Flower Fancies

    July 20:
    Funky Sharky
    MP Rustic Decor

    July 27:
    Gloomnbloom | Block printed illustrations, stationery, textile
    Heleny Cook | Willow Woven Baskets

    August 3:
    Funky Sharky
    Gloomnbloom | Block printed illustrations, stationery, textile

    August 10:
    Artisans of Thornliebank | Carved Wood Utensils
    Luna Sol | Crochet, Paintings, Stickers

    August 17:
    Fabric & Flower Fancies
    MP Rustic Decor

    August 24:
    Heleny Cook | Willow Woven Baskets

    Artisans of Thornliebank | Carved Wood Utensils

    August 31:
    Sun & Sun, Ltd
    Sacred Funk | Tie-dyed Art & Apparel

    September 7:
    MP Rustic Decor
    Luna Sol | Crochet, Paintings, Stickers

    September 14:
    Artisans of Thornliebank | Carved Wood Utensils
    Vegvisir Leather and Goods

    September 21:
    Funky Sharky
    Gloomnbloom | Block printed illustrations, stationery, textile

    September 28:
    MP Rustic Decor
    Sun & Sun, Ltd.

    October 5:
    Funky Sharky
    Heleny Cook | Willow Woven Baskets

    October 12:
    Artisans of Thornliebank | Carved Wood Utensils

    October 19:
    Gloomnbloom | Block printed illustrations, stationery, textile
    Luna Sol | Crochet, Paintings, Stickers

  • Community Booth

    May 25:
    Hoosac Harvest’s Annual Seedling Swap

    June 1:
    Mayor’s Fitness Challenge Sign-ups with Northern Berkshire Community Coalition

    June 8:
    North Adams Public Library

    June 15:
    Ecu-Health Care

    June 22:
    Berkshire County Head Start

    June 29:

    July 13:
    North Adams Public Library

    July 27:
    Ecu-Health Care

    August 3:
    Ecu-Health Care

    August 10:
    North Adams Public Library

    August 31:
    Berkshire County Head Start

    September 7:
    North Adams Public Library

    September 14:
    Ecu-Health care

    October 5:
    Ecu-Health Care

    October 12:
    North Adams Public Library